Saturday, January 31, 2009

Where have I been?

First off, the past few weeks have been quite busy. Not only have I been training for a marathon, fundraising for Dana Farber, working two jobs, and trying to keep up something of a social life, but I have also been planning for our July wedding. Am I making up excuses for why I haven't blogged? Perhaps I am. But it's all true!

Here's my (long overdue)running update: I'm up to a 14 mile long run, and I am continuing to run around 9:15 pace (give or take), which I am happy with. I'm especially happy with that pace considering all of my long runs include the infamous heartbreak hills. Last weekend I skipped the group run and opted to run on Saturday, the warmer day of the weekend instead. Thankfully a teammate, Shifter, set up an organized run for 7 or 8 of us. He was nice enough to put out water stops and provide us with maps of the course. It was definitely nice to get the run over with, and not freeze to death like our unfortunate teammates who ran in single digits on Sunday. Thanks Shifter!

Today we had a group run; the best group run so far, I think. I ran with Beth, a teammate from Marblehead, who ironically enough attended the middle school I teach at years ago and even had some of my colleagues as teachers! So we certainly had a lot to talk about. Deb and Anne were running with us for most of the way too. All of us kept each other going the whole way, and even talked about potentially running together later this week. It's definitely nice to have a group to talk with, that's for sure.

I'll try to keep up with my blogging on a more regular basis. I swear I have "blog worthy" material daily, but getting to the computer and actually typing it in never seems to happen.