Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Number 22238!!

That's my official bib number:)

You can track me on race day using that number...details to follow.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

If I can do 20...that must mean I can do 26, right?

This week I've logged about 40 miles, which is on the higher end of what I've been doing. Today, I ran 20 of those 40 miles, and wow...I felt it. I wouldn't say I felt horrible, but to quote one of my running buddies, Beth, I had to give myself some internal pep talks to get to the top of the hills once we reached those last three miles of the run. The hills were short and steep, but I kept telling myself, this is preparing me for Heartbreak...these hills are preparing me for what it might feel like when I reach "The Hills," as I like to call them, after running on flat/downhill for 17 miles. It hurt, but I finished! So that's what I'm hoping for on race day. Pace wise, this was a good run. About 9:18 pace.

This coming week, I am hoping to log less miles, since our long run will only be about 13-14 miles this next weekend. It will feel good to rest. One more twenty miler (actually I think it's 21...but who's counting?) and a half marathon race, and then I'll be ready for the big day!