Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New shoes, brighter nights, and rude drivers

I decided with the marathon only being a month away, I should probably invest in a new pair of shoes. To all of you non-runners, it is important to note that getting a new pair of shoes before a marathon or big race requires a bit of strategic timing. You wouldn't want to buy new shoes too close to the marathon, but you also want to make sure you haven't covered too many miles in your old shoes. Anyway, I love my new shoes! They didn't give me blisters, and they are way "cuter" than my old shoes. I know I'm not supposed to take that into consideration because it's all about the fit, but I do enjoy the blue and silver.

Tonight Deb and I ran 7 miles from the gym around the Newton area. Our last half of the run we tried doing strides (speeding up for a set amount of time/distance). We did a few of those, and I felt great. I must say, love the fact that the sky was still light when I left the gym after our workout. It just puts me in a better mood. Although, with the fact that it's actually light out, one would think that cars would be able to see us coming. Not so. Deb and I were literally almost hit four times during our run. FOUR TIMES! Each car was taking a right turn out of a parking lot or street and felt no need to look right. I am pretty sure if there were such thing as running rage, I have it. I yelled and cursed a bit...just a bit. Pretty sure I scared people, but I don't feel badly at all. Share the road, people!


Unknown said...

Post a pic, let's see the new sneaks.

Steph said...

i would prefer the pic of Meg with running rage...hehehe.

(so after i wrote the above comment i go to do the word verification thingy...my word is "tratere"...I guess Meg's blogger is looking out for her.)