Thursday, November 27, 2008

I've been running, I swear!

I just have not been vigilant in updating my blog. So here are some of the latest "highlights" in my training:

1. TUESDAY 11/25
I ran 6.5 miles on the treadmill at the gym! The longest I've ever stayed on a treadmill and ran the whole time!!! I get bored easily. It wasn't bad though. I started out at 9:40 pace and then moved into 8:15 by the felt good!

2. THURSDAY 11/27 Turkey Day!!
I ran the annual Turkey Trot with the fam. This year our family had an even bigger turn-out than usual. Not only did David, my dad and I run, but my mom, two aunts, and my cousin walked it. Although it was cold, we still had fun. I love Thanksgiving! We get to eat good food, hang out with family, and eat more food. My grandpa makes the BEST turkey and stuffing, and this year my mom successfully replicated his recipe so we had TWO good batches of stuffing...yum. Oh but we're here about running...yes, I did fine in the trot. David and I ran 25 minutes for the 5k. Not terrible, but not the best.

3. FRIDAY 11/28
It was a BEAUTIFUL DAY outside, and David and I ran by the beach in Milford. We mapped a 4 mile run up through Silver Sands. It was very relaxing. Took it nice and easy.

4. SUNDAY 11/30 Long Run
Today we ran 10.07 miles (it is exact thanks to!). I actually didn't feel the best. I have a sore throat and a cough, so my breathing was labored. On top of that it was hailing out, so we were pelted with chunks of ice for an hour and a half. Not what I would call a nice long run. But we did it anyway. I have to send a thank you out to David who ran my pace the whole time and only looked semi-bored with my turtle pace. He did entertain me by hurdling over trashcans and bags of leaves. Clearly he had more energy than I did;)

So this week's training was a success. I am right on schedule with the weekly mileage, and I am working in cross training so as to not over do it and to give my muscles a break.

I hope everyone had great Thanksgivings with family:) Thanks for reading!


Unknown said...

We ran three miles yesterday does that count?

Meg said...'re almost there! David says with that kind of training you guys might be able to run it as bandits with him;)