Saturday, December 6, 2008

Here's a quick update on my running: On Saturday I clocked in another long run at 9 miles. It went much better than last weekend; I felt good and my knees didn't feel like they were going to give out on me. Our course was pretty simple--Deb and I ran through Wellesley and back up and down the Comm Ave Heartbreak Hills. Still chuggin' along...

Let's take a minute to talk about the weather. Today was the first snowfall, which is exciting if you like that sort of thing. But for me, it marks the beginning of the worst months in the entire year. I hate cleaning my car off in the morning. I hate shoveling my driveway just have a stupid plow push a foot of snow right on top of what I just cleared. And I really hate when every school is cancelled except for the one I work at. So seeing the snow today was not on top of my list for what made my weekend fun. I don't mean to sound like a downer, because really I'm not. I do love Christmas lights, the smell of freshly cut trees, peppermint mochas, and buying gifts. Oh wait, I have a vague memory of myself last winter making snow angels on the front lawn. Maybe winter isn't all that bad.

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